
Se afișează postări din septembrie, 2019

ILOK 1828 census

The name AJETITS: 304 Josza 348 Silvester 349 Nicola 476 Ivan Nicola seems to be the father of my ancestor Stefan (Stipan) AJETIC (Ajetics, Ajetich, Aitici).

Names in ILOK, 1890-1918

Aban (1), Adjic (1), Adzic (1), Agjić (1), Alasović (1), Andras (3), Andric (4), Andrin (1), Andrišek (1), Anosenc (1), Arambasic (1), Arsenić (1), Augustinovic (1), Auman (5), Aumann (1), Bajac (1), Balint (2), Banos (1), Barbarić (1), Barcan (1), Barišić (1), Barosevic (2), Bedic (1), Bednar (1), Bekarek (1), Belicki (1), Benčić (1), Bencsics (1), Benešić (3), Benka (2), Berenik (1), Bernheim (1), Bikar (1), Biljčević (1), Biljcevic (2), Birmanac (1), Blank (1), Blatnicki (1), Bogyanszki (1), Bozovic (1), Brandeis (1), Brandtner (1), Bukinac (1), Burnaz (1), Čelovsky (1), Cernovszki (1), Cicoković (1), Cikaric (1), Členek (1), Čobanković (3), Cobankovic (2), Colic (2), Crvenković (1), Crvenkovic (1), Čulić (2), Čupić (1), Čutura (1), Dagmalović (1), Dekanic (1), Denković (1), Diklić (1), Dimić (1), Dimović (1), Djurašin (1), Dobosevic (1), Dobrovina (1), Dobrovna (1), Dohosvic (1), Donkovic (2), Draganić (1), Draži...

Josip Ajetic (1894-1944)

From the Ilok museum: About family members Ajetić we can specify the following info: Data about family Ajetić asserts at the Natives of city of Ilok from 1912.y. to 1947.y., printed in city Osijek , y. 2003. edited by Zlatko Virc, on page 16 - 17 says: Ajetić Ivan born y.1844.  wife: Ajetić Lenka born y.1860.  Children:  son: Josip Ajetić, y. 1894.,  daughter: Klara Ajetić y.1897. married to Nikola Burnaz from Ilok. About;  JOSIP AJETIĆ (b.Ilok, 19 3.1894., d.Vinkovci, y.1944.) Journalist and politician In city Ilok he lived in Preradovićeva street . He worked as a clerk in a lawyer offices in Ilok; owned by Giga Nikolić and in an office owned by Branko Paunović. His work in the labor movement, happens in and during the creation of the State of Slovenes , Croats and Serbs. In November y.1918. he is member of the National Council with the socialist Simo Perić. He is one of the founders of the Communist Party in Ilok. In Vukova...