Looking for Stefan Ajtic (Ajetic), a blacksmith from Ilok, Croatia

I started to study this branch of my family with an old document with wrong data.
My ancestor Stefan Ajtic arrived in Bucharest after 1860.
He worked for a British company at the Bucharest-Giurgiu railway.
He met Susanna, born in the Szekler county of Romania. They married in 1862 at Baratia church.
I think that Stefan travelled to Romania by the Danube river which was a common route
at that time.
Some days ago I found the Hungarian land census from 1828 for the Srijem county.
There were living the Ajtits and Nikolits families, the parents and relatives of Stefan (Stipan).
I also find his Godfather's family.
Stefan was born in 1832 and his sister Clara was born in 1826.

I tried to get the marriage record of their parents from the Ivan Kapistran Franciscan monastery
but I'll try again. I would like to know the birth place of Stefan's father in order to continue
the research. Stefan's mother was born in Ilok but his father Nikola seems to be from another place.
I said I started with wrong data. I'll explain. In Romanian documents Stefan was blacksmith from
"Ilfov" county instead of Ilok. We knew he was from Croatia but we didn't know the place.
I went to the Bellu catholic cemetery from Bucharest and I find a register with the buried people.
I asked the Romanian archives to give me the death certificate of Stefan.
After this I went to the catholic archives and they gave me the marriage record of Stefan & Susanna
and the birth certificates of their 3 children.
According to a family legend, Stefan stole Susanna from the border and they married.
Before having information about them I thought he stole her from the Croatian-Hungarian border.
From the same document with wrong data I got the information that she was born in St. Martin.
This was great because in every county of the former Austrian-Hungary empire we have a village
named Saint Martin. After getting information from the Bucharest church archive I found the place
where Susanna was born. It was a small village in a small county named Saint Martin, part of
a Szekely county from Siebenbuergen (Transylvania).
The Ilok museum helped me with information from this book:

I visited Ilok in 2013 and I met a family related with my second great grandfather Stefan Ajtic.


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